Sermons from 2016

Sermons from 2016

Consider the Source

Luke 1:1-4 Luke did his homework to make sure Theophilus got the right information Luke 1:26-33 God sent the angel Gabriel to give Mary the right plan Luke 1:34 Mary had the same question we have today Luke 1:35-37 Gabriel gave the one answer that should satisfy us all “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:38 Mary responded how we all should respond “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your How COVID has affected us

The Lion is not a Reliable Pet

1 Peter 5:8-9 Daniel 6:1-3 Daniel became the prey Daniel 6:4-9 The jealous lions were licking their lips Daniel 6:10-15 The prowling lions pounced Daniel 6:16-24 The prey prayed and found favor with THE King Daniel 6:25-28 The prowling lion took another blow to the head Genesis 3:15 The lion’s pride was not enough to destroy a lion’s heart Luke 2:52

Image is Everything

Daniel 3:1-3 Image was everything to Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 3:4-7 Nebuchadnezzar wanted an image of submission Daniel 3:8-12 The Chaldeans wanted the image of fairness Daniel 3:13-15 Nebuchadnezzar revealed his true image Daniel 3:16-18 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are an image of faith Daniel 3:19-30 God rewarded faith; Nebuchadnezzar tried to manufacture it The image we portray to the world of what it looks like to follow Jesus, should leave the world in awe; just as we should be of Shadrach, How COVID has affected us

A Whale of a Tale

Four seemingly unbelievable aspects about the story of Jonah… God spoke to Jonah (1:1-2) God controlled the seas (1:4,15) God controlled the fish (1:17;2:10) God relented (3:10) The most unbelievable thing about the book of Jonah… Jonah wanted Nineveh destroyed (4:1,3) God’s presence is evident when we… Love others Follow His voice Every time you buy, give, or open presents, remember first to enter God’s presence this Christmas season.

How to be Rich Toward God

  Luke 12:13-21 Jesus tells a parable of a Rich Fool who when he comes upon a windfall of abundance he can neither see beyond himself nor this world. What would you do if you suddenly came upon an unexpected financial blessing? Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus tells another parable. This one is about stewardship. Three men are given a certain number of talents, each according to his ability – two of the men are rewarded for their diligence of making more How COVID has affected us

Three Sermons, One Point

Sermon 1 – Good debt Baptism unites us with Christ – Romans 6:5 Baptism is for those who believe, repent, and confess – Romans 10:9-10, Acts 2:38 Sermon 2 – Good discipline – 1 Corinthians 9:24-26 Three ways to give: Cash or check when passed Online through your bank Online through our website Always give with a worshipful heart and prayer Consider the vision Sermon 3 – Good decision Ties up generosity – 2 Corinthians 9:6 Reveals our discontentment – How COVID has affected us

Give Like Abraham

The first tithe was offered with a humble heart – Genesis 14:19-20 The tithing law was given in order to change hearts – Leviticus 27:30-33 Levites receiving the tithes were to do so with a servant’s heart – Numbers 18:21-26 Thankful hearts were to present their offerings to God – Deuteronomy 12:5-7 A generous God desires to bless a generous people – Malachi 3:8-10; Proverbs 3:9-10 A Christ Inspired heart shows justice, mercy, faithfulness, and honors God with their offerings How COVID has affected us

It Starts With a Seed

Matthew 6:19-34 Material things will pass away. (v. 19) Things wear out Things fall out Things are left out Matthew 6:20 Heavenly things will be remembered.  (v. 20) Good works are observed Good works are rewarded Matthew 6:21 Your heart follows what you treasure.  (v. 21) It is good for food It is a delight to the eyes It is desired to make one wise Matthew 6:22-23 The eyes are the window to the soul.  (v. 22-23) What you see How COVID has affected us

Youth Sunday

Cade Ponstein – The parable of the talents Matthew Fitzpatrick – The parable of the wise and foolish builders Ben Farrier – The parable of the sower
One Flesh Sermon Series

The Four C’s of Marriage

Tim & Anita Severance share important topics that affect every marriage. Genesis 3:14-21 I. Communication in Marriage – Ephesians 4:15; James 1:19 II. Conflict in Marriage – 1 Corinthians 7:28 III. Connection in Marriage – Genesis 2:24; Mark 10:8-9 IV. Christ in Marriage – Matthew 7:24-27