Dale Farrier added to Elder Board

Dale Farrier added to Elder Board

KCC Elders praying over Dale Farrier

The congregation approved the nomination of Dale Farrier to a 3-year term on the board of Elders last Sunday during the 2018 annual meeting. Those also approved for another 3-year term were Trend Owner, Mike Babcock and former Kalkaska Sheriff, Dave Israel. These men join current Elders Dean Farrier, Darin Cummings, Kevin Davis, Dr. Richard Hodgman, Andy Bratton, and Tim Severance.

“My name is Dale Farrier. For those of you that don’t know me, I’m the eldest child of Gene and Shirley Farrier. My wife Lisa and I were married nearly 2 years ago here at KCC. Together, we have 5 adult children and 6 grandkids, ranging in age from 14 down to newborn. Being brought up in a Christian home (thank you Mom & Dad!), God has always been part of my life. I asked Jesus into my heart while in grade school and was baptized when I was 12 or 13.

Kids’ ministry has been a large part of my life here at KCC over the last 14 years or so. I’ve helped with our kids programs Caraway Street, KidStuf and Family Stuff. I quite frequently get to lead the kids in communion meditation downstairs and upstairs with the adults from time to time. I think I’ve helped with the Men & Boys clay pigeon shoots and river floats since they started. I help with KCC yard & building maintenance and am part of the KCC Safety Committee.

What do I have to offer KCC as an Elder? I’ve worked for and been on Boards most of my adult life. I work with budgets and policies daily. That said, I am a sinner! But, by the Grace of God I’ve been saved! I would be honored to work alongside other men of faith to help nurture and grow the family of believers here at KCC and strengthen and sharpen my own faith.”